Репетитор Яременко Александр Анатольевич (Москва, метро Молодёжная, Кунцевская). Предметы: Английский язык, Испанский язык, Французский язык, Турецкий язык - анкета преподавателя на сайте Repetit-Center.ru!
Главная / Каталог репетиторов / Александр Анатольевич
Александр Анатольевич
Анкета № 66893

Репетитор Яременко Александр Анатольевич, 1995 г.р.

Предметы: Английский язык, Испанский язык, Французский язык, Турецкий язык
Статус: Частный преподаватель

1 000 руб./час

Молодёжная, Кунцевская
Москва, Голицыно, Апрелевка, Кубинка, Немчиновка
Провожу занятия у себя : Триумфальная,11
Выезд на дом: Деловой Центр, Кутузовская, Запад, Киевская, См. карту
Опыт : 9 лет
  • Образование: Сумской государственный педагогический университет, факультет филологии и зарубежной литературы

Комментарий: Hello! Let’s get acquainted! My name is Alexander. I have got 8 years working experience and education at Harvard University for speciality English philology, Polytechnic University of Valencia: Courses of Spanish. I am a foreign language teacher, specifically English, Spanish French and Turkish. I have been teaching for 8 years now and during this time, I have developed my own teaching methodology based on the techniques of foreign language schools. I have found that many people are not taught properly and are given confusing methods with complicated names just to make a sale, but there is no substance behind them. This has led me to develop my own teaching style that has been formed through trial and error, but it has been worth it as I now have a strong approach to education. I use textbooks for native speakers because it helps to deepen the language faster. My lessons also involve reading classic literature from the British, Spanish and French world classics. With children, we prefer to read comics, manga, and fairy tales. Moreover, we create our own books and study vocabulary and grammar through them, with both adults and children. We spend a lot of time watching movies, cartoons, anime, listening to famous compositions of music performers who have entered the classics of music in the aforementioned countries, writing our own songs, which we then study. In addition, during our lessons, we create computer games in Unreal Engine 5 or Unity in order to learn languages for IT and to learn creative skills to create worlds. We also incorporate other modern technologies, including virtual reality glasses, where immersion in the language environment happens quickly, using various language learning apps to learn new vocabulary, correct pronunciation, artificial intelligence as a helper and conversationalist, limitless encyclopedia of knowledge, electronic books for convenience of reading and translation. If you’re interested, I invite you to join my classes. The first lesson is completely free! Thank you!...
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Дополнительная информация: Также имею степень семейного и детского психолога. Проходил курсы повышения квалификации в Гарварде

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